Sunday, October 23, 2005

the answer & the ultimate question is "why not?"

at times i decide i lack decisions in my life. so i make some. like, recently, i decided i should have a policy on how to choose between brands of products with a roughly equivalent value-for-money ratio - i should choose the one with the less irritating advertising campaign. stupid, you already choose that way: it’s not up to you to make up your mind, your mind has already been made up. someone made that decision for you.
so i need a decision of my own. and i decide that from this day forth i should reply to all queries about the causes of my actions using the sentence “why not?”. don’t ask me why! don’t ask me anything, for that matter. instead, listen to me jabber on and on about the how and the when. about what? ask me something i know how to answer, don’t ask me why!
i can’t remember if the mice in “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” got The Question out of Arthur Dent’s brain, but if they did it should have been Why.
- why?
- because of “42”… why not?
- really, why?
- why not?
- must i answer?
- yes, you do! and it better not be another question!
- well, because of love & death – courtesy of Woody Allen.
- what do you mean?
- i don’t mean anything - Woody Allen does.
- what about love & death?
- feeling about love & death. the only things people care about, hence the only things worth talking & writing & making movies & songs about. That's the essence of all art - trying to cheat death with love.
- but neither is real. plenty of death in the world and abundance of love in the words, but when love or death come our way we tend to go numb. deaf, dumb & blind: when it’s death, the numbness comes from the desperate desire for it not to be real.
- and when it’s love, it has to be real love - so we make it real by going numb.
- so we make death provisional. we create our reality, knowingly or inadvertently, to correspond to the way we feel. the truth is too hideous to be articulated. we thrust oureslves upon a lie and sail the oceans of words.
- words mean nothing. overload of words stripped them of their meaning. a huge discrepancy between terms & ideas has been created: people argue, and they don’t know what is it they’re arguing about.
- so is what more important than why?
- what is important to get us through the day, why is to push us through life.
- you’re saying that we live because we hope that someday we’ll know Why?
- it’s not a question of knowing, it’s a question of feeling the truth. ultimately, it’s not some intangible Truth that matters: the important thing is to feel. about love & death. otherwise, we’re dead.

music: “Siamese Dream” – Smashing Pumpkins
movie: "Wild At Heart" - David Lynch

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